The Rocca Sisters Team Give Life Month
September 26, 2018 | Posted by The Rocca Sisters & AssociatesWhat is it?
The Rocca Sisters Team is proud to partner with Canadian Blood Services for Give Life Month for the month of October. This is a chance for our community to roll up their sleeves and donate to the Burlington Blood Donor Clinic at 1250 Brant Street (Power Centre). Clinic hours are Tues & Wed 3pm-8pm, Thurs 11am-7pm and Friday & Sat 8am-12pm. Donors are encouraged to make an appointment online at but walk-ins are also accepted.
Who does my donation help?
What greater gift is there than the gift of life? That’s exactly what every blood donation delivers. Blood and blood products are a critical part of everyday medical care including major surgeries, medical procedures, cancer treatments and managing disease. Approximately 252 donations of blood per week are needed in the Burlington area to keep members of the public healthy and safe. A single car crash can require up to 50 donors, while a single cancer patient may require up to five donors during their treatment and recovery process. 50% of Canadians will need donated blood or will know someone who needs donated blood within their lifetime.
Who is eligible to donate?
50% of Canadians are eligible to donate, so chances are that the answer is, “you”! With half of the population being strong candidates for this lifesaving donation, it might surprise you that only 4% of Canadians donate. For patients with leukemia, cancer, heart disease, and traumatic injury, your donation could be the difference between life and death, and since blood products have a limited shelf life, demand is constant. Thousands more people may now be eligible to donate blood and help save lives because of a wide range of changes to donor eligibility and screening criteria. All the revised eligibility changes can be viewed on
We are inviting members of the public to join the Rocca Sisters Team for the entire month of October to donate blood that will serve the community. Please visit to book your appointment and once you are at the clinic please tell them that the Rocca Sisters sent you, and share your experience on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram with the hashtag #RoccaSistersGiveLife #JointheMovement #ItsInYouToGive or #GiveLifeBurlington.
We will track the number of donors who mention our name, so we can know how better to serve our communities in the future. Our goal is to get at least 50 individuals to donate blood, but in reality, we know we can do even better. Please join us and help to achieve this lifesaving goal.